Table 3

Group distribution between cases and controls for high risk adenomas or colorectal cancer

Cases High risk adenomas or cancer (n=172)Controls No high risk adenomas or cancer (n=489)p Value
The p value is given for the comparison by global χ2 method of the relative frequency in the three groups of patients (irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), family history (FH), and heavy drinkers (HD) groups) of cases (patients with at least one high risk adenoma or a cancer) and controls (patients with a least one colorectal adenoma but without high risk adenomas or cancer).
Age (mean (SD)) 59 (0.9) 57 (0.5)0.049
Male/female ratio126/46 (73%)343/146 (70%)NS
Patient groups
    IBS 25 (15%)127 (26%)
    FH 23 (13%) 85 (17%)0.00096
    HD124 (72%)277 (57%)