Table 1

Effect of TUDC, β-MC, and DBcAMP on the cholestasis induced by TLC

Hepatocyte couplets were incubated for 30 minutes at 37°C with DMSO (controls), TLC, TLC+TUDC, TLC+βMC, TLC+DBcAMP, and TLC+TUDC+DBcAMP. cVA of CLF was then analysed, as described in the methods section.
All values are mean (SD) (n=5–6).
TUDC, β-MC, and DBcAMP had a significant protective effect against TLC induced cholestasis. No additive protective effect was observed when both TUDC and DBcAMP where administered together.
Significantly different from TLC, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001.
CLF, cholyl-lysyl-fluorescein; DBcAMP (dibutyryl cAMP), N6,2`-o-dibutyryladenosine 3`:5`-cyclic monophosphate; DMSO, dimethyl sulphoxide; cVA, canalicular vacuolar accumulation; β-MC, β-muricholate; TLC, taurolithocholate; TUDC, tauroursodeoxycholate.
cVA of CLF (%)57 (3)25 (7)41 (9)***42 (5)***41 (13)***36 (11)**