Table 1

Dyspepsia subgroups and symptom profiles according to former definitions14

• Reflux-like dyspepsia
    Acid regurgitation
• Ulcer-like dyspepsia
    Three or more of the following symptoms, but upper abdominal pain must be predominant
    Epigastric pain
    Pain relieved by food
    Pain relieved by antacids or acid reducing drugs
    Pain occurring before meals or when hungry
    Pain that at times wakes the patient from sleep
    Periodic pain with remission and relapses
• Dysmotility-like dyspepsia
    Pain is not a dominant symptom but upper abdominal discomfort should be present, and characterised by three or more of the following
    Early satiety
    Postprandial fullness
    Retching and/or vomiting that is recurrent
    Bloating in the upper abdomen not accompanied by visible distension
    Upper abdominal discomfort often aggravated by food
• Unspecified (non-specific) dyspepsia
    Dyspeptic symptoms that cannot be classified into the above three symptom profiles