Table 1

Phenotype of liver dendritic cells

SpeciesMaturation statusMarkersComments (ref)
DC, dendritic cell; GM-CSF, granulocyte macrophage-colony stimulating factor; IL, interleukin; MHC, major histocompatibility complex.
MouseImmatureCD11c+CD40loCD80loCD86loMHC IIlo2 subsets:1,14,41,101
(1) CD8α-CD11b+(1) Myeloid related12,102
(2) CD8α+CD11b(2) Lymphoid related
CD205+OX2+Gorczynski,37Drakes,43Gorczynski 103
CD11b+CD24+CD44+CD45+CD11cloCD16/3 2loCD40lo CD80lo CD86loCD205loF4/80loGenerated from liver progenitor cells with GM-CSF; called liver derived DC progenitors.32,33
MatureCD11c+MHC IIhiCD86hi
CD11c+CD54+CD205+MHC II+CD11bmodCD86modCD11a/CD18mod B220-CD3εGr1Yoneyama65
OtherCD205hi B220+CD11c CD19Generated from liver progenitor cells with IL-3 and CD40L. Ig gene rearrangement occurs but no surface expression. Activate then subsequently induce apoptosis of T cells.34
RatImmatureMHC II+ANAEFcRANAE=α-naphtylacetate esterase=a non-specific esterase; FcR=Fc receptor53
MatureMHC IhiMHC IIhiCD54+OX62+Brenan,36Matsuno,56Saiki92
(1) ED1+ED2-OX6+, (2) ED1ED2OX6+2 subsets of OX62+ cells104
MHC II+CD54+OX62+CD90+CTLA-4 Counter-receptor+Chen-Woan35
CD4+Variable expression is common in MHC II+ DC and peripheral tissues of rat51105
HumanImmatureCD11a+ CD45+MHC II+Prickett7
CD83loCD86loMHC IIloNinomiya 84