Table 1

Demographic and disease characteristics of the patients at week 0

Placebo groupInfliximab group
Data are shown as medians (interquartile ranges). Glucocorticoid doses have been converted to prednisolone equivalents for those patients receiving 6-methyl prednisolone.
UC, ulcerative colitis.
Age40 (29–43.5)41 (35.5–50.5)
Weight (kg)72 (60–8)66 (61–78)
Extensive UC1314
Left sided disease35
Distal colitis44
Duration of UC (months)59 (35–96)75 (39–141)
Azathioprine use (%)3526
Prednisolone equivalent (mg/day)30 (25–30)30 (30–30)
Duration of steroid treatment (days)28 (14–45)28 (11.5–42)