Table 2

Summary statistics for reporting of colorectal cancer

GroupRelative groupNo of cases reported at interviewNo of cases found by record linkageSensitivity (95% CI)Specificity (95% CI)Positive predictive value (95% CI)Negative predictive value (95% CI)
Sensitivity, the proportion of colorectal cancer cases identified by record linkage that were reported at interview; Specificity, the proportion of relatives confirmed by record linkage to be unaffected that were reported to be colorectal cancer free at interview; Positive predictive value, the proportion of reported colorectal cancer cases that were confirmed by record linkage; Negative predictive value, the proportion of individuals reported to be free of colorectal cancer at interview that were confirmed as unaffected by record linkage.
FDR, first degree relatives; SDR, second degree relatives; 95% CI, 95% confidence interval.
CasesFDR (n = 1322)43530.566 (0.433, 0.690)0.990 (0.983, 0.994)0.698 (0.549, 0.814)0.982 (0.973, 0.988)
CasesSDR (n = 1968)21480.271 (0.166, 0.410)0.996 (0.992, 0.998)0.619 (0.409, 0.792)0.982 (0.975, 0.987)
ControlsFDR (n = 1037)14170.529 (0.310, 0.738)0.995 (0.989, 0.998)0.643 (0.388, 0.837)0.992 (0.985, 0.996)
ControlsSDR (n = 1310)16300.333 (0.192, 0.512)0.995 (0.991, 0.995)0.667 (0.417, 0.848)0.985 (0.976, 0.990)