Table 2

Univariate analysis of factors influencing severe (2 points or more) fibrosis progression

Demographic factorProgressed (n = 23)No progression (n = 187)*p Value
Risk factors for fibrosis progression in patients with hepatitis C with severe progressive (2 points or more) or non-progressive liver fibrosis (regression of fibrosis, no progression of fibrosis, and 1 point progression of fibrosis), between biopsies 1 and 2.
No data available on risk factors for 10 patients, hepatitis B virus markers for 11 patients, aminotransferase levels for one patient, and hepatitis C virus genotypes for 58 patients.
*p values for univariate analysis.
†Median values.
**χ2 for linear trend.
Alcohol (units/week)†4.55.0NS
Age at index biopsy (y)†45.636.20.001
Age at infection (y)†27.418.70.05
Duration of infection (y)†24.718.70.04
Route of transmission
    Injecting drug use13100