Table 1

 Patient and graft survival of patients receiving small intestinal and solid organ grafts

Graft type1 year survival (%)3 year survival (%)5 year survival (%)
Int, intestine; MultiV, multivisceral.
*Data given for first transplantation only. All other data include a small number of repeat transplantations (heart and lung 2%, intestine 7%) which are associated with a poorer outcome.
**Four year survival values are given.
Data in italics are most appropriate for comparison. Data, including during the early development of intestinal transplantation, are also given.
Kidney 68 1990–1999 94 83 90 73 85 65
Liver 69 1994–2003* 78 73 72 67 67 62
Heart 70 1990–2002 82 80 72 70 67 66
Lung71 1990–2002757559594646
Intestine 32 1999–2004 78 65 62 50 50** 35**
Int and liver321985–2004585646444139
Int and liver 32 1999–2004 60 58 50 45 50** 45**
MultiV32 1985–2004585850455040
MultiV 32 1999–2004 66 62 62 58 62** 50**
Well performing individual centres
    Sudan et al 52 Intestine (2000) 93 71
    Goulet et al 54 Intestine and liver (1999) 80 80
    Pinna et al 53 Multivisceral (2000) 70 60
    Fishbein et al 23 Intestinal (2002) 92 92
    Parenteral nutrition 70 (1990–1996) 90 75