Table 2

 Details of pathogenic β-catenin mutations detected

Tumour typeMutation (n)Amino acid change
One non-pathogenic mutation (GGA→GTA; G34V) was identified in a sporadic adenoma and one non-pathogenic mutation (ACC→GCC; H36P) in a sporadic cancer.
HNPCC, hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer.
Sporadic adenomadel codon 24–38 (1)ΔHWQQQSYLDSGIHSG
Family history adenomadel codon 25–32 (1)ΔWQQQSYLD
HNPCC adenomaACC→GCC (1)T41A
HNPCC cancerACC→ATC (1)T41I
HNPCC cancerACC→GCC (3)T41A
HNPCC cancerTCT→TTT (4)S45F