Table 3

 Clinical manifestations and serum antibodies to carbonic anhydrase IV peptide 4 in patients with definite and probable autoimmune pancreatitis

Clinical factorManifestationAntibodies to CA IV peptide 4p Value
Positive (n = 9)Negative (n = 20)
ANA, antinuclear antibody; MPD, main pancreatic duct.
*Demonstrated by abdominal ultrasonography and/or computed tomography.
†Demonstrated by endoscopic retrograde pancreatography.
Age/sexAge of onset64.1 (10.1)62.1 (15.4)NS
Male6/9 (66.7%)12/20 (60.0%)NS
Immunological testsγ-globulin (g/dl)3.48 (1.34)1.73 (0.73)<0.001
IgG (mg/dl)4140 (775)2162 (775)<0.001
IgM (mg/dl)125 (126)132 (120)NS
IgA (mg/dl)372 (302)210 (86)<0.05
ANA (>1+)4/9 (44.4%)10/19 (52.6%)NS
Rheumatoid factor4/9 (44.4%)3/14 (21.4%)NS
Pancreatic enlargement*Diffuse4/9 (44.4%)13/20 (65.0%)NS
Segmental4/9 (44.4%)4/20 (25.0%)NS
MPD narrowing†Diffuse6/9 (66.6%)7/17 (41.2%)NS
Segmental3/9 (33.3%)9/17 (52.9%)NS