Table 2

 Baseline clinical, virological and histological, parameters in sustained responders and non-responders in the three patient groups

Clinical parameterSustained responders (n = 157)Non-responders (n = 130)p Value*
All subjects had comparable baseline clinical virological characteristics.
HCV, hepatitis C virus; ALT, alanine transaminase.
*p values were calculated by the Mann-Whitney U test for all. Statistically significant differences were considered when p values were greater than 0.05.
Sex (M/F)62/8983/450.07/0.04*
Age (y) (mean (SD))39.6 (8.1)45.2 (7.6)0.07
Duration of therapy
    24 weeks28670.03
    36 weeks6333
    48 weeks6630
Risk factors for HCV transmission (n (%))
    Occupational58 (38.4)42 (32.8)
    IV drug use30 (19.9)22 (17.2)
    Blood transfusion18 (11.9)15 (11.7)
    Sexual7 (4.6)1 (0.8)
    Unknown38 (25.2)17 (13.3)
Total bilirubin (mg/dl)0.9 (2.6)0.8 (0.4)0.04*
ALT (IU/l)125.3 (204.6)92.5 (183.4)0.95
Viral load (×106 cop/ml)1.2 (0.2)3 (1.9)0.02*
Triphasic decay pattern94 (62.3)60 (46.9)0.05
Efficiency factor ε (%)89.3 (4.6)58.2 (5.4)0.003
Viral clearance c (/day)8.5 (1.9)10.6 (2.5)0.2
Death rate δ (/day)0.71 (0.3)0.03 (0.01)0.02