(1) Completion of adequate follow up colonoscopy on more than 90% of patients in whom it is indicated. (C) |
(2) Knowledge of recommended screening intervals and adherence to practice guidelines. (C) |
(3) Adequate documentation of all lesions found on FS, allowing the colonoscopist to complete removal of unremoved lesions. (C) |
(4) Annual performance reviews of clinicians performing FS, measuring complications, depth of insertion, and detection of polyps and cancer. (C) |
(5) Identification and appropriate reaction with respect to anticoagulation and antibiotic prophylaxis. (E) |
(6) Average depth of sigmoidoscope insertion stating whether level reached is maximal insertion or after straightening the endoscope. (C) |
(7) Documentation in endoscopic report of depth of insertion in cm (100%). (C) |
(8) Patient satisfaction with the FS experience, including level of discomfort with the procedure (approximately 70% should be satisfied with the procedure). (E) |
(9) Documentation of quality of bowel preparation. Goal = 100%. (E) |
(10) Documentation of informed consent. Goal = 100%. (E) |
(11) Complication rates following biopsy and polypectomy at FS. (E) |
(12) Development and adherence to guidelines for the performance of FS by non-physicians, including training, supervision, and ongoing proctoring. (C) |
(13) Knowledge of ASGE-SGNA guidelines on flexible endoscope reprocessing. (E) |
(14) Compliance with policies for endoscope reprocessing. (E) |