Table 3

 Results from the mixed model analysis of individual rectal motor complex parameters in control subjects (CS) and in those with rectal hypersensitivity (RH) and normal rectal sensation (NS)

DifferencePercentage change in geometric mean (95% CI)
No significant interaction effects between group and time were found.
AUC, area under the curve.
*p<0.05; **p<0.01; ***p<0.001.
For analysis according to level of recording, please refer to the Gut website at
CS−RH−11 (−23 to 4)−14 (−22 to −5)**14 (10 to 18)***
CS−NS−3 (−30 to 36)−2 (−22 to 24)13 (9 to 18)***
RH−NS9 (−7 to 28)14 (3 to 27)*−0.4 (−4 to 3)
Day v night100 (86 to 115)***99 (90 to 108)***−11 (−14 to −8)***