Table 5

 Spectrum of cancer associated with exon 6 mutations of the LKB1 gene in Peutz-Jeghers syndrome patients reported in other studies

ReferencesType of mutationMutationNo and type of cancer
FS, frameshift.
*Organ not determined.
Ylikorkala, 19995Deletion: 773-780del7bp263Fs†1 pancreas
Deletion: 747-760del13bp257Fs1 colon
Deletion: 604-623del19bp248Fs1 ovary
1 testis
Boardman, 20006Insertion: 844insC281Fs1 pancreas
1 prostate
1 colon
Olschwang, 200135Deletion: 843delC281Fs1 pancreas
1 kidney
Nakamura, 200236Deletion: 843delC281Fs1 duodenum
Lim, 20037Deletion: 846del282Fs2 breast
Takahashi, 200437Insertion: 757-758insT252Fs1 Stomach
Amos, 200438Insertion: 842-843insC280Fs2 carcinomas*
Present studyDeletion: 843delC281Fs1 oesophagus
1 small intestine
Deletion: 263-5delTTGT263Fs1 endometrial