Table 2 Characteristics of meal-induced symptoms in 218 functional dyspepsia patients
Meal-related symptom scoreSubjects without symptoms (%)Time to peak (min)
Postprandial fullness23.2 (1.3)*27 (12.4)†40 (4)‡
Bloating18.8 (1.2)*45 (20.6)42 (4)§
Nausea13.0 (1.1)79 (36.3)49 (4)‡
Belching14.8 (1.0)39 (17.9)54 (5)¶
Epigastric pain14.4 (1.2)82 (37.6)72 (6)**
Epigastric burning9.7 (1.0)*103 (47.2)††75 (6)††
  • For each symptom, a meal-related severity score was obtained by adding scores obtained at 15 min intervals from the start of meal ingestion to 240 min postprandially.

  • *p<0.05 compared with all other symptoms. †p<0.05 compared with all other symptoms except belching. ‡p<0.05 compared with all other symptoms except bloating. §p<0.05 compared with all other symptoms except fullness. ¶p<0.05 compared with all other symptoms except nausea. **p<0.05 compared with all other symptoms except epigastric burning. ††p<0.05 compared with all other symptoms except epigastric pain.