Table 2 mRNA expression and DNA methylation of glutathione S-transferases (GSTs) and glutathione peroxidase (GPXs) in Barrett’s adenocarcinomas
SamplemRNA expression fold (% DNA methylation)
1 N1 (2)1 (3)1 (1)1 (2)1 (60)1 (/)0 (/)1 (3)1 (4)1 (2)1 (/)1 (6)1 (/)1 (1)
1 T0.15 (3)1.1 (6)0.8 (1)0.22 (2)4.3 (40)1.58 (/)0 (/)0.5 (3)0.05 (3)0.05 (1)0.6 (/)1.8 (3)0.2 (/)0.2 (36)
2 N1 (4)1 (2)1 (2)1 (9)1 (63)1 (/)0 (/)1 (1)1 (3)1 (2)1 (/)1 (7)1 (/)1 (1)
2 T0.02 (4)0.01 (48)0.06 (9)0.02 (2)0.07 (82)0.35 (/)0 (/)1.4 (5)0.03 (3)0.06 (3)0.72 (/)0.01 (18)0.27 (/)0.09 (36)
3 N1 (3)1 (6)1 (1)1 (6)1 (45)1 (/)0 (/)1 (7)1 (4)1 (2)1 (/)1 (3)1 (/)1 (5)
3 T0.51 (2)0.1 (4)0.09 (12)1.4 (4)0.1 (59)0.27 (/)0 (/)10.8 (6)0.28 (2)0.38 (3)0.92 (/)0.11 (4)2.6 (/)1.3 (4)
4 N1 (1)1 (2)1 (1)1 (3)1 (35)1 (/)0 (/)1 (5)1 (6)1 (2)1 (/)1 (5)1 (/)1 (4)
4 T0.04 (3)0.06 (19)0.55 (6)0.45 (2)0.02 (54)1.1 (/)0 (/)1.7 (3)0.07 (5)0.04 (3)0.37 (/)0.03 (45)0.8 (/)0.7 (61)
5 N1 (2)1 (8)1 (6)1 (3)1 (48)1 (/)0 (/)1 (8)1 (5)1 (3)1 (/)1 (1)1 (/)1 (3)
5 T0.22 (3)1.1 (15)0.96 (5)0.69 (3)0.01 (38)0.21 (/)0 (/)0.89 (10)0.2 (4)0.17 (3)1.1 (/)4.5 (12)1.1 (/)2.7 (7)
6 N1 (5)1 (4)1 (2)1 (3)1 (51)1 (/)0 (/)1 (7)1 (4)1 (4)1 (/)1 (4)1 (/)1 (3)
6 T0.23 (4)0.1 (5)1.17 (2)0.32 (3)0.2 (49)0.97 (/)0 (/)12.6 (10)0.03 (5)0.48 (5)3.2 (/)2.7 (6)2.0 (/)0.7 (15)
7 N1 (4)1 (11)1 (5)1 (4)1 (36)1 (/)0 (/)1 (8)/(8)1 (4)1 (/)1 (15)1 (/)1 (5)
7 T0.55 (2)0.02 (51)0.34 (2)0.04 (3)0.01 (51)1.01 (/)0 (/)0.25 (38)/(8)0.84 (2)1.06 (/)0.04 (53)1.77 (/)0.24 (58)
8 N1 (2)1 (5)1 (2)1 (3)1 (62)1 (/)0 (/)1 (5)1 (4)1 (2)1 (/)1 (5)1 (/)1 (3)
8 T0.6 (2)0.78 (26)2.0 (7)0.93 (4)4.3 (58)1.2 (/)0 (/)4.9 (6)7.3 (3)0.81 (3)2.5 (/)/(5)5.5 (/)/(10)
9 N1 (/)1 (/)1 (/)1 (/)1 (/)1 (/)0 (/)1 (/)1 (/)1 (/)1 (/)1 (/)1 (/)1 (/)
9 T0.14 (3)0.04 (5)0 (2)0.12 (2)0.01 (48)0.93 (/)0 (/)0.14 (2)0.05 (11)0.55 (1)1.6 (/)0.1 (11)2.2 (/)2.0 (3)
10 N1 (/)1 (/)1 (/)1 (/)1 (/)1 (/)0 (/)1 (/)1 (/)1 (/)1 (/)1 (/)1 (/)1(/)
10 T0.11 (3)0.73 (34)1.42 (15)0.01 (2)0.03 (65)1.2 (/)0 (/)1.5 (5)0.13 (2)0.71 (4)0.53 (/)0.18 (32)0.55 (/)0.07 (34)
  • N, normal; T, tumour; /, missing. Gene expression fold for each primary tumour was compared with its paired normal sample from the same patient, thus the expression fold of each normal sample was set to 1.0. GSTO1, GSTO2, GPX1 and GPX4 were excluded from the methylation analysis since they were either not expressed in any sample (GSTO2) or showed no downregulation in tumour samples (GSTO1, GPX1 and GPX4).