Table 1

Body weight, serum gastrin level and corpus atrophy score. No significant differences in body weight were noted among the groups. The serum gastrin level in the OPZ+Hp group was significantly higher than that in the OPZ and control groups (p <0.008). The gastrin level in the OPZ+Hp group was slightly higher than that of the Hp group (p <0.0877). The corpus atrophy score in the OPZ+Hp group was significantly higher than that in the Hp group (p <0.0008, Student t test)

Body weight (g)Serum gastrin level (pg/ml)Corpus atrophy score (/600)
OPZ+Hp group101.3±10.6349.3±181.3292.8±23.0*
Hp group97.0±11.5213.0±122.1151.2±30.1*
OPZ group104.3±5.380.1±13.50.0±0.0
Control group120.0±9.997.3±24.60.0±0.0
  • * p<0.0008, Student t test.