Table 2

Patient characteristics at the time of sampling

No. of patients with CD
 Ileum (L1)27
 Colon (L2)6
 Ileocolon (L3)31
 Non-stricturing, non-penetrating (B1)25
 Structuring (B2)22
 Penetrating (B3)13
Previous surgery*
Medical treatment at time of sampling*
  • * Maximal disease extent at the time of sampling was available in 64/68 patients; disease behaviour at last follow-up before the time of sampling was available in 60/68 patients; previous surgery at the time of sampling was available in 60/68 patients (type of surgery: 5/40 unknown, 1/40 gastric Roux-en-Y anastomosis, 16/40 partial ileal and partial colonic resection, 2/40 (sub)total colectomies, 11/40 hemicolectomies, 5/40 partial ileal resection); medical treatment at the time of sampling was available in 57/68 patients.

  • CD, Crohn's disease; NSAIDs, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.