Abstract PMO-253 Table 1
No IBD CNS<1 WTE IBD CNS1 or more WTE IBD CNSp Value
% Patients admitted to hospital 1 September 2009–31 August 201119% (10.8–34.0)10% (5.1–23.3)11% (7.2–19.4)<0.001
The site offers a range of arrangements for outpatient care including email, drop—in, telephone61% (35/57)85% (34/40)84% (88/105)0.002
The service offers guided self—management with access to support when needed.34% (12/35)62% (21/34)63% (55/88)0.013
Expedited specialist review of relapsed patients83% (47/57)98% (39/40)98% (103/105)0.002
A clear structured pathway for the patient to discuss their treatment with the multidisciplinary team16% (9/57)45% (18/40)57% (60/105)<0.0001
There is written information for patients on whom to contact in the event of a relapse.42% (24/57)88% (35/40)95% (100/105)<0.0001