Table 2

Primary end point (Bayesian analysis including historical controls)

CDAI change from baseline to week 6
TreatmentnMean (SD)95% Credible interval*
Secukinumab twice 10 mg/kg39−29.2 (14.0)−56.9 to −1.4
Placebo20−63.1 (13.9)−90.4 to −35.9
ΔCDAI (AIN457 vs placebo) 33.9 (19.7)−4.9 to 72.9
  • Probability that secukinumab reduces CDAI more than placebo =4.4%.

  • Probability that secukinumab reduces CDAI by ≥50 points more than placebo <0.1%.

  • Probability that secukinumab reduces CDAI by <40 points more than placebo >99.9%.

  • * Bayesian statistics report probabilities and credible intervals, unlike frequentist statistics that report p values and CIs.

  • CDAI, Crohn's Disease Activity Index.