Table 1

Baseline characteristics of patients compared with those who dropped out

Available for analysis (N=98)Dropped out (N=22)p Value (difference between analysed and dropped out)
Age41 (12)40 (12)0.689
Gender (women), N (%)74 (75.0)14 (64.0)0.303
Stool form5.4 (0.7)5.5 (0.7)0.758
Days with morning rush*, median (IQR)1 (0–3)2 (0–6)0.078
Days with pain, median (IQR)6 (3–7)6.5 (5–7)0.256
Days with urgency, median (IQR)6.5 (5–7)7 (6–7)0.642
Days with bloating, median (IQR)6 (3–7)7 (5–7)0.252
Pain score1.3 (0.8)1.5 (0.8)0.574
Urgency score1.6 (0.7)1.6 (0.8)0.826
Bloating score1.3 (0.9)1.7 (0.9)0.085
Frequency of defaecation per day, median (IQR)2.6 (1.9–3.7)3.6 (2.1–6.6)0.033
Anxiety9.5 (4.3)10.4 (5.5)0.553
Depression, median (IQR)5 (3–9)5.5 (1–10)0.670
Patient Health Questionnaire 1512 (4.0)13.3 (5.0)0.283
IBS severity score302 (85)330 (83)0.324
Patient stress score17.9 (7.4)20.3 (8.8)0.322
IBS QOL455 (150)403 (189)0.102
  • Means (SDs) are shown if not stated otherwise.

  • *Defined as more than three bowel movements before midday.

  • IBS, irritable bowel syndrome; QOL, quality of life.