Table 1

Absolute values for proximal oesophageal pain thresholds before (T0) and after (T60, T90 and T120) acid infusion with (a) sham and (b) deep breathing

a. Pain threshold in study subjects with sham breathing
 Pain thresholds (mean, SD, mA)49.3 (20.7)36.0 (17.1)34.3 (18.1)34.0 (16.2)
b. Pain threshold in study subjects with deep breathing
 Pain thresholds (mean, SD, mA)46.2 (18.3)44.8 (20.1)45.1 (19.9)45.1 (20.3)
  • Mixed effects regression showed a coefficient of effect for deep breathing of 9.94 (CI 8.3 to 11.6), p=0.0001.