Table 1

Descriptive characteristics of study cohorts of assisted reproductive technology (ART) treatments in women with UC, CD and without IBD during the study period of 1 January 1994 through 2013

CharacteristicsExposed cohort (embryo transfers in women with UC)
Exposed cohort (embryo transfers in women with CD)
Unexposed cohort (embryo transfers in women without IBD)
(N=148 540)*§
Age at embryo transfer
 Median (25–75 centiles)33 (30–36)32 (30–35)33 (30–37)
Partner's age at embryo transfer
 Median (25–75 centiles)35.5 (32–39)35 (31–37)35 (32–39)
Female/male factor
 Female factor, N (%)442 (34.5)234 (46.6)41 011 (30.1)
 Male factor, N (%)269 (21.0)83 (16.5)43 610 (32.0)
 Mixture of factors/idiopathic N (%)570 (44.5)185 (36.9)51 852 (38.0)
Type of preceding treatment
 IVF, N (%)718 (53.0)290 (52.6)72 971 (49.3)
 ICSI, N (%)403 (29.7)166 (30.1)51 237 (34.6)
 FER, N (%)234 (17.3)95 (17.2)23 713 (16.0)
 <18.5 (underweight), N (%)15 (2.3)16 (7.2)1765 (3.1)
 18.5–24.99 (normal), N (%)450 (69.7)125 (56.3)37 082 (64.4)
 25.00–29.99 (overweight), N (%)134 (20.7)69 (31.1)13 157 (22.9)
 ≥30.00 (obese), N (%)47 (7.3)12 (5.4)5548 (9.6)
Smoking at the time of embryo transfer
 Non-smoker, N (%)617 (93.8)192 (87.3)51 819 (90.0)
 Smoker, N (%)41 (6.2)28 (12.7)5773 (10.0)
 No, N (%)304 (52.0)135 (70.3)29 367 (54.5)
 Yes, N (%)281 (48.0)57 (29.7)24 548 (45.5)
Calendar year of infertility treatment
 1994–1998, N (%)110 (8.1)84 (15.2)24 016 (16.2)
 1999–2003, N (%)254 (18.7)128 (23.1)35 899 (24.2)
 2004–2008, N (%)469 (34.5)188 (33.9)44 467 (29.9)
 2009–2013, N (%)527 (38.8)154 (27.8)44 158 (29.7)
 0, N (%)169 (62.4)65 (70.7)24 102 (69.0)
 1+, N (%)102 (37.6)27 (29.3)10 845 (31.0)
Comorbidity at embryo transfer
 No comorbidity, N (%)1202 (88.4)476 (85.9)136 982 (92.2)
 Some comorbidity, N (%)158 (11.6)78 (14.1)11 558 (7.8)
Duration of UC/CD at time of embryo transfer
 Median (25–75 centiles)8 (4–12)9 (4–13)
UC/CD operations before time of embryo transfer¶
 No, N (%)891 (65.5)199 (35.9)
 Yes, N (%)469 (34.5)355 (64.1)
Number of UC operations before embryo transfer¶
 1, N (%)242 (51.6)
 2–3, N (%)227 (48.4)
Number of CD operations before embryo transfer¶
 1, N (%)175 (49.3)
 2–3, N (%)159 (44.8)
 >3, N (%)21 (5.9)
  • *Number of women in exposed UC cohort=432, in exposed CD cohort=182 and in unexposed cohort=52 489.

  • †Missing (%), women with UC: partner's age (42.5), female/male factor (5.8), type of treatment (0.4), parity (80.1), BMI (52.5), smoking at the time of embryo transfer (51.6), alcohol (57.0).

  • ‡Missing (%), women with CD: age of partner (49.6), fertility factor (9.4), ART treatment (0.5), parity (83.4), BMI (59.9), smoking at the time of embryo transfer (60.3), alcohol (65.3).

  • §Missing (%), women with no IBD: partner's age (53.4), female/male factor (8.1), type of treatment (0.4), parity (76.5), BMI (61.3), smoking at the time of embryo transfer (61.2), alcohol (63.7).

  • ¶It is possible to have more than one type of UC or CD operation on the same day.

  • BMI, body mass index; CD, Crohn's disease; FER, frozen-thawed embryos; IBD, inflammatory bowel disease; ICSI, intracytoplasmic sperm injection; IVF, in vitro fertilisation; UC, ulcerative colitis.