Table 1

Characteristics of the three independent cohorts in this study

Cohort 1: LifeLines-DEEP
(general population)
Cohort 2: patients with IBD
Cohort 3: IBS case-control study
PPI users
Non-PPI users (n=1075)PPI users
Non-PPI users (n=240)PPI users
Non-PPI users (n=289)
Average (SD)*Average (SD)*Average (SD)*Average (SD)*Average (SD)*Average (SD)*
Age51.94 (13.59)44.79 (13.58)50.87 (14.49)42.45 (14.57)51.94 (14.27)44.57 (18.24)
BMI27.73 (5.10)25.05 (4.03)26.14 (5.53)25.58 (4.72)26.24 (4.10)24.16 (4.11)
Gender (% male)36.3642.0561.6739.1730.7733.56
Reads per sample48879 (43 001)55 884 (40057)51 081 (43 990)52 970 (37787)43 807 (28604)65842 (119296)
Antibiotics (%)2.021.0231.6716.670.001.73
IBD (%)0.000.00100.00100.000.000.00
IBS (%)34.3425.770.000.0090.3849.48
Diarrhoea (%) (IBS-D and functional diarrhoea together)7.074.4728.417.3
Average bowel movements per day1.36 (0.53)1.38 (0.61)1.60 (0.81)1.92 (1.11)
Anti-TNF-a (%)38.3328.75
Mesalazine (%)–-–-26.6739.58
Methotrexate (%)16.675.42
Steroids (%)30.0020.42
Thiopurines (%)–-21.6737.08
  • *Unless otherwise stated

  • IBD, Inflammatory Bowel Disease; IBS, Irritable Bowel Syndrome; SD, standard deviation, BMI, body mass index.

  • MUMC, Maastricht University Medical Center; PPI, proton pump inhibitor, TNF-a, tumour necrosis factor; UMCG, University Medical Center Groningen.