Table 2

Screenee and procedure characteristics and colonoscopy performance by randomisation group (Train-Colonoscopy-Leader (TCL) and feedback groups) and study phase (procedures performed by screening centre leaders)

The TCL group (19 endoscopists)*The feedback group (19 endoscopists)*
Preintervention phase, N=6217Early postintervention phase, N=3381Late postintervention phase, N=3826Preintervention phase, N=4766Early postintervention phase, N=2977Late postintervention phase, N=3415
Screenee variables
 Age, mean (±SD)56.4 (5.4)56.9 (5.4)56.9 (5.4)56.7 (5.2)57.0 (5.3)57.1 (5.1)
 Male sex—n (%)2237 (36.0)1175 (34.7)1525 (39.9)1783 (37.4)1123 (37.7)1385 (40.7)
Procedure variables
 Intravenous sedation—n (%)4000 (64.3%)2011 (59.5%)2330 (60.9%)2644 (55.5%)1628 (54.7%)1877 (55.0)
 Adequate bowel preparation†—n (%)5833 (93.8%)3240 (95.8%)3610 (94.4%)4520 (94.8%)2724 (91.5%)3185 (93.3%)
 Total colonoscopy—n (%)5995 (96.4%)3268 (96.7%)3690 (96.4%)4631 (97.2%)2870 (96.4%)3322 (97.3%)
 Screenees with adenoma or cancer—n (%)1023 (16.4%)812 (24.0%)897 (23.4%)898 (18.8%)574 (19.3%)719 (21.1%)
 Screenees with polyps not removed/retrieved—n (%)31 (0.5%)20 (0.6%)14 (0.4%)26 (0.5%)18 (0.6%)25 (0.7%)
 Screenees with proximal‡ adenoma or cancer—n (%)430 (6.9%)421 (12.4%)452 (11.8%)426 (8.9%)312 (10.5%)389 (11.4%)
 Screenees with non-polypoid lesion§—n (%)112 (1.8%)128 (3.8%)143 (3.7%)79 (1.7%)45 (1.5%)84 (2.5%)
Screening centre leader performance variables
 Number of colonoscopies, median (range)258 (40–898)182 (21–443)187 (20–519)187 (120–384)88 (57–296)124 (34–514)
 Adenoma detection rate, mean (±SD)17.4% (3.2)25.6% (8.2)23.9% (4.7)18.5% (3.6)19.6% (6.5)20.8% (6.1)
 Proximal‡ adenoma detection rate, mean (±SD)7.8% (2.6)13.3% (6.1)12.0% (4.9)8.6% (3.7)10.2% (4.9)10.2% (4.9)
 Non-polypoid lesion§ detection rate, mean (±SD)1.8% (1.9)4.8% (4.5)3.8% (4.0)2.0% (2.0)1.5% (1.3)2.1% (2.2)
 Caecal intubation rate, mean (±SD)96.5% (4.2)95.8% (4.4)96.3% (4.5)96.5% (2.7)95.2% (4.6)96.2% (4.1)
  • *In the late postintervention phase, one leader in each group left the screening centre; the remaining 36 endoscopists were used for analyses.

  • †Bowel preparation was assessed by endoscopists.

  • ‡Proximal to the splenic flexure.

  • §Non-polypoid lesion was defined as a lesion 5 mm or larger which was depressed, completely flat or elevated less than 2.5 mm.