Table 1

Functional annotation of four SNPs with high level of evidence for CRC susceptibility

No.LocusMapped geneSNPAlleleMAFRisk allele (OR)Promoter (P) or enhancer (E)*DNase I cluster†Protein(s) bound (cell lines)‡Motif(s) altered‡meQTL (risk allele association, p)eQTL (risk allele, association, p)
15q21.3APCrs1801155A/T0.068T (1.96)NoneYesNoneCCNT2, GATA, HDAC2NoneNone
220q11.21DNMT3Brs1569686G/T0.170T (0.57)PYesNoneGR, Gfi1, Gfi1b,
LBP-1, NF-κB
cg13636640 (increase, 3.28×10−10)None
33q22.2MLH1rs1800734G/A0.211A (1.51)PYesNFKB, ELF1 (HCT116, etc)BHLHE40cg03901257, cg14751544, cg02279071, cg16764580, cg19132762, cg04841293, cg00893636, cg21490561, cg11600697. (increase, p<1×10−5)MLH1 (decrease, 1.37×10−8)
45p15.33TERTrs2736100T/G0.485G (1.07)NoneYesNoneFOXAcg01603247 (increase, 0.023)None
  • *The term ‘Promoter (P) refers to an active or flanking promoter region, while Enhancer (E) refers to an active, poised or weak enhancer or enhancer-like region as defined by the 25 states of HMM (

  • †DNase I hypersensitivity clusters were assigned by DNase I hypersensitive assay in 125 cell types, ENCODE (

  • ‡Protein interactions defined by chromatin immunoprecipitation sequencing for 161 factors were obtained from ENCODE ( and transcription factor DNA binding motifs represented as position weight matrices in HaploRegV.2 and RegulomeDB (

  • CRC, colorectal cancer; MAF, minor allele frequency; meQTL, methylation quantitative trait loci; SNPs, single nucleotide polymorphisms.