Table 2

Adjuvant CTX treatment as predictor of postsurgical disease-specific recurrences in 110 patients with PDAC, according to the extent of CD68-TAMs at the tumour–stroma interface

CD68-TAM (%IRA)*
Low (first to third quartile)High (fourth quartile)
Recurrence rate (%)HR (95% CI)†p ValueRecurrence rate (%)HR (95% CI)†p Value
Adjuvant chemotherapy treatment
No13/28 (46)2.19 (1.15 to 4.16)0.027/8 (88)0.38 (0.13 to 1.00)0.05
Yes41/54 (76)11/20 (55)
  • *Densities as %IRA at the tumour invasive front.

  • †Cox regression analysis.

  • CTX, chemotherapy; %IRA, percentage immunoreactive area; PDAC, pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma; TAMs, tumour-associated macrophages.