Table 1

The effect of overnight cold storage on visceral afferent mechanosensitivity and chemosensitivity

 No storageCold storage
Firing rate spikes 2 s−1 probe (proportion responders)Firing rate spikes 2 s−1 probe (proportion responders)
VFH (g)0.070.420.070.42
All tissues8.6±2.1 (6/10) (60%)17.7±2.7 (9/10) (90%)25.7±3.6 (9/9) (100%)9.5 (1/3) (33%)18.3±8.2 (3/3) (100%)15.0±7.0 (2/2) (100%)
Sigmoid colon9.0±2.3 (3/5) (60%)22.3±3.3 (4/5) (80%)29.6±4.9 (5/5) (100%)9.5 (1/3) (33%)18.3±8.2 (3/3) (100%)15.0±7.0 (2/2) (100%)
Rectum7.8±7.3 (2/3) (67%)15.7±6.4 (3/3) (100%)24.2±5.4 (3/3) (100%)
Proportion respondersΔ Firing rate (spikes 20 s−1)Proportion respondersΔ Firing rate (spikes 20 s−1)
All tissues19/26 (73%)51.7±10.55/13 (39%)37.7±8.1NS
Sigmoid colon8/13 (62%)67.3±19.24/10 (40%)32.3±8.4NS
Rectum4/6 (67%)34.4±18.61/1 (100%)54
Proportion respondersΔ Firing rate (spikes 20s−1)Proportion respondersΔ Firing rate (spikes 20 s−1)
All tissues14/14 (100%)30.5±8.09/12 (75%)30.2±7.8NS
Sigmoid colon8/8 (100%)32.4±10.96/8 (75%)33.2±12.7NS
Rectum3/3 (100%)31.3±18.61/1 (100%)20
  • Table illustrating single unit responses to VFH probing at 0.07, 0.4 and 2 g, bradykinin or ATP in tissues used on the day of operation or following cold storage. The data were analysed for tissue from cancer resections only, and presented for all tissue regions studied, sigmoid colon only and rectum only. Mean±SEM; p>0.05; paired t-test.

  • NS, not significant; VFH, von Frey hair.