Table 2

Histological examination in biopsy samples of responders showing endoscopic and histological healing at week (W)6/W12/W52 by vedolizumab (VDZ) or at W4–6 by infliximab (IFX) and their baseline (W0) samples

Histological parametersVDZ W0 (n=10)VDZ W6 (n=3)VDZ W12 (n=2)VDZ W52 (n=7)IFX W0 (n=5)IFX W4–6 (n=5)
(1) Architectural changes (Geboes grade 0)0.1: n=3 (30%); 0.2: n=7 (70%)0.1: n=2 (66.7%); 0.2: n=1 (33.3%)0.2: n=2 (100%)0.0: n=1 (14.3%); 0.1: n=5 (71.4%); 0.2: n=1 (14.3%)0.1: n=1 (20%); 0.2: n=2 (40%); 0.3: n=2 (40%)0.1: n=2 (40%); 0.2: n=3 (60%)
(2) Mononuclear infiltrate (Geboes grade 1)1.1: n=2 (20%); 1.2: n=4 (40%); 1.3: n=4 (40%)1.0: n=1 (33.3%); 1.1: n=2 (66.7%)1.1: n=2 (100%)1.0: n=2 (28.6%); 1.1: n=5 (71.4%)1.2: n=1 (20%); 1.36: n=4 (80%)1.1: n=3 (60%); 1.2: n=2 (40%)
(3) CD3+ T lymphocytes↗↗↗↗↗↗↗↗↗↗↗↗
(4) CD4+/CD8+ T cellsNormalNormalNormalNormalNormalNormal
(5) Mast cells in lamina propriaNormalNormalNormalNormalNormalNormal