Table 5

Summary of results from one-way between-group analyses of covariance with visceral sensitivity tertiles as independent variable, GI symptom severity (z scores) as dependent variable and non-GI sx severity as covariate in each of the cohorts

Visceral sensitivityNon-GI sx severity
Belgian functional dyspepsia cohort
 F 9.3 25.9
 p Value <0.0001 <0.0001
 Partial η2 0.073 0.099
 R2 0.19
US IBS cohort 1
 F 4.9 9.9
 p Value 0.008 0.002
 Partial η2 0.040 0.040
 R2 0.09
US IBS cohort 2
 F 3.1 21.2
 p Value 0.046 <0.0001
 Partial η2 0.039 0.12
 R2 0.17
Swedish IBS cohort 1
 F 9.1 62.8
 p Value 0.002 <0.0001
 Partial η2 0.047 0.196
 R2 0.25
Swedish IBS cohort 2
 F 3.9 23.1
 p Value 0.023 <0.0001
 Partial η2 0.052 0.141
 R2 0.23
  • Significant differences shown in bold.