Table 2

Mayo score for ulcerative colitis32

Mayo index0123
Stool frequencyNormal1–2/day more than normal3–4/day more than normal5/day more than normal
Rectal bleedingNoneStreaks of blood with stool <50% of the timeObvious blood with stool most of timeBlood passed without stool
Mucosa (endoscopic subscore)Normal or inactive diseaseMild disease (erythema, decreased vascular pattern, mild friability)Moderate disease (marked erythema, lack of vascular pattern, friability, erosions)Severe disease (spontaneous bleeding, ulceration)
Physician’s global assessmentNormalMild diseaseModerate diseaseSevere disease
  • Mayo score=sum of scores for each of the four variables (maximum score 12).

  • Clinical response: reduction of baseline Mayo score by ≥3 points and a decrease of 30% from the baseline score with a decrease of at least one point on the rectal bleeding subscale or an absolute rectal bleeding score of 0 or 1.

  • Clinical remission: defined as a Mayo score ≤2 and no individual subscore >1.

  • Mucosal healing: defined as a mucosa subscore of ≤1.

  • Disease activity: Mild 3–5; Moderate 6–10; Severe 11–12.