Table 1

Demographic characteristics of healthy volunteers and patients with IBS

Healthy volunteersPI-IBSIBS-C
Age41.6 (12.2)40 (15.1)45.4 (12.3)
HADS anxiety score (mean, SD)2.7 (2.2)5.2 (3.8)3.4 (2.2)*
HADS depression score (mean, SD)0.4 (0.6)2.3 (2.8)1.1 (1.7)*
IBS symptom severity score (mean, SD)254.5 (94)206.7 (78.7)
IBS quality of life score (mean, SD)30.5 (19.9)32.3 (11.4)
  • *P<0.05 for healthy versus PI-IBS. Non-parametric one-way analysis of variance (Kruskal-Wallis) with Dunn’s post hoc analysis.

  • HADS, hospital anxiety and depression scale; PI-IBS, postinfection IBS.