Table 1

Demographic and baseline characteristics of analysis population at baseline (mITT, n=224)

Age (years, median and IQR)37.7 (29.2–49.9)
Duration of current symptoms (% (n))
<7 days13.4 (30)
≥7 days86.6 (194)
Female46.0 (103)
Time since diagnosis (months, median and IQR)52.4 (11.1–128.0)
Current medication (% (n))Therapy >7 daysTherapy ≤7 days
Systemic steroids8.5 (19)15.2 (34)
AZA/6-MP2.2 (5)10.7 (24)
Anti-TNF13.8 (31)5.8 (13)
Anti-integrin7.6 (17)0.4 (1)
Objective signs of inflammationNormal values for lab results
(Median and IQR)
SCCAI (n=224)9.0 (7.0–10.0)
Haemoglobin (g/L, n=203)131 (116–141)115–164 (female), 135–180 (male)
Platelets (/mm³, n=202)338 000 (265 000–430 000)150 000–300 000
WCC (/x109/L, n=201)8.8 (7.39 – 11.3)4.4–11.3
CRP (mg/dL, n=196)1.30 (0.58–4.46)<0.5
Feacal calprotectin
(µg/g, median and IQR)800 (439–1436)
<250 (µg/g)9.9% (14)
≥250 (µg/g)90.1% (128)
Bowel wall thickness
(mm, median and IQR)
Sigmoid colon (n=218)5.05 (4.60–6.20)
Descending colon (n=198)5.00 (4.00–6.00)
  • AZA, azathioprine; CRP, C reactive protein; mITT, modified intention-to-treat; MP, mercaptopurine; SCCAI, Short Clinical Colitis Activity Index; TNF, tumour necrosis factor; WCC, white cell count.