Table 3

Complications and treatment in patients with COVID-19 with and without GI symptoms

VariableGI symptoms (n=74)No GI symptoms (n=577)P value
 Acute respiratory distress syndrome5/74 (6.76%)12/577 (2.08%)0.034
 Shock1/74 (1.35%)1/577 (0.17%)0.215
 Liver injury13/74 (17.57%)51/577 (8.84%)0.035
Anticoronavirus treatment66/74 (89.19%)480/577 (83.19%)0.239
Timing from onset of illness to antiviral therapy5 (3–6)4 (2–6)0.062
 Mechanical ventilation5/74 (6.76%)12/577 (2.08%)0.034
 Glucocorticoids11/74 (14.86%)63/577 (10.92%)0.443
 Antibiotic treatment31/74 (41.89%)246/577 (42.63%)0.903
 Admission to intensive care unit5/74 (6.76%)12/577 (2.08%)0.034
  • Data are presented as medians (IQR), n (%) and n/N (%).

  • CRRT, continuous renal replacement therapy; ECMO, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation .