Table 3

Rare microbial quantitative trait loci identified by gene-based burden meta-analyses

ChrSNP*Gene symbolAnnotationMicrobial taxonomy/pathwayMicrobial change†Meta P value‡Meta FDRLifeLines-DEEP cohortIBD cohort
P value§ Beta¶ P value§ Beta¶
33:156 570 689 rs200834448 3:156 710 862 LEKR1 Stop gain, frameshift variant,
splice donor variant and intron variant
Superpathway of hexitol degradation bacteriaIncrease in IBD/CD/UC8.42×10–7 8.25×10–4 1.84×10–5 0.610.0160.54
5rs114285050 rs140458264 GPR151 Stop gain, stop gainHomolactic fermentationIncrease in IBD/CD4.78×10–6 0.00470.0032−1.170.00040−1.40
5rs114285050 rs140458264 GPR151 Stop gain, stop gainGlycolysis I from glucose 6-phosphateIncrease in IBD/CD5.45×10–6 0.00530.0030−1.170.00048−1.38
5rs114285050 rs140458264 GPR151 Stop gain, stop gainGlycolysis II from fructose 6-phosphateIncrease in IBD/CD/UC4.63×10–6 0.00450.0028−1.180.00044−1.38
5rs114285050 rs140458264 GPR151 Stop gain, stop gainSuperpathway of glucose and xylose degradationIncrease in IBD/CD3.05×10–6 0.00300.015−0.970.00041−1.39
13rs139121187 rs150812023 TPTE2 Stop gain, splice donor variant and intron variantGlycolysis IV plant cytosol4.62×10–6 0.00450.0151.190.000292.47
CYP2D6 Frameshift variant, frameshift variantSuperpathway of menaquinol-8 biosynthesis I1.45×10–5 0.0140.00015−0.910.021−0.63
22rs35742686 rs5030655 CYP2D6 Frameshift variant, frameshift variantSuperpathway of demethylmenaquinol-8 biosynthesis1.50×10–5 0.0150.00019−0.900.019−0.65
  • Eight associations were identified by the gene-based burden test. We collapsed exome-wide protein truncating variants (PTVs) with minor allele frequency <5% into 980 genes. Genetic scores were used instead of single variant dosage in the association analyses in each cohort. Meta-analyses were performed for those associations with discovery p<0.005 and replication p<0.05.

  • *Rare PTVs located within genes used in the burden test.

  • †Case-control analysis on microbial data. Significant (FDR<0.05) microbial change in IBD are shown (online supplementary table 7).

  • ‡Meta p value cut-off determined based on the total number of genes (n=980, Bonferroni correction).

  • §P values from association analyses in each cohort.

  • ¶Effect size in association analyses in each cohort.

  • CD, Crohn’s disease.