Table 4

Clinical course in patients with COVID-19 according to LFT abnormality at hospital admission

AST normal n=116AST elevation n=91P valueALT normal n=147ALT elevation n=59P valueTBIL normal n=197TBIL elevation n=10P valueGGT normal n=129GGT elevation n=80P valueAlbumin normal n=91Hypoalbuminaemia n=74P value
Severe COVID-19†33.60%52.70%0.006*38.10%50.80%ns41.60%50%ns37.20%46.30%ns25.60%80.30%<0.001*
ICU admission26.70%49.50%0.001*30.60%50.80%0.006*37.10%30.00%ns29.50%45.00%0.022*20.00%76.10%<0.001*
Time to ICU admission (days)2 (0–62)1 (0–41)0.006*2 (0–62)1 (0–34)ns1 (0–62)3 (0–41)ns1 (0–28)1 (0–62)ns3 (0–28)1 (0–62)0.037*
Mechanical ventilation23.30%46.20%0.001*25.90%50.80%0.001*33.50%30.00%ns24.80%43.80%0.004*16.70%71.80%<0.001*
All-cause mortality13.80%16.50%ns15.60%11.90%ns13.70%40.00%0.023*12.40%15.00%ns10.00%25.40%0.010*
COVID-19-related mortality13.80%13.20%ns14.30%10.20%ns12.70%40.00%0.015*11.60%13.80%ns8.90%22.50%0.016*
  • Data are presented as the percentage of patients with abnormal findings of the respective parameters in relation to all patients within the respective groups. Time from admission to ICU admission is presented as median (range).

  • *Bold values show a statistical significance (p≤0.05).

  • †Severe COVID-19 is defined as the composite endpoint comprised of ICU admission and/or COVID-19-related death.

  • ALT, alanine aminotransferase; AST, aspartate aminotransferase; ECMO, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation; GGT, gamma-glutamyltransferase; ICU, intensive care unit; IV, invasive ventilation; LFT, liver function test; NIV, non-invasive ventilation; ; ns, not significant; TBIL, total bilirubin.