Table 5

Discriminative abilities for ABC score and AIMS65 and outcomes in classified low-risk and high-risk patients according to cohort

Risk scoreABC scoreAIMS65ABC scoreAIMS65ABC scoreAIMS65
Mean score (95% CI)3.5 (0 to 9)1.0 (0 to 3)4.5(1 to 10)1.4 (0 to 3)2.6 (0 to 7)0.9 (0 to 2)
AUROC (95% CI)0.86 (0.84 to 0.89)0.79 (0.76 to 0.82)0.81 (0.78 to 0.83)0.65 (0.62 to 0.69)0.84 (0.79 to 0.89)0.75 (0.68 to 0.83)
Sensitivity (low risk)0.600.760.430.600.730.81
Specificity (low risk)0.940.660.940.630.840.58
PPV (low risk)0.990.970.990.960.990.99
NPV (low-risk)
No (%) classified low-risk patients1498 (56)1829 (73)1369 (40)1781 (58)1275 (71)1296 (80)
Mortality in classified low-risk patients; n(%)*11 (0.7)62 (3.4)14 (1.0)79 (4.5)7 (0.6)17 (1.3)
Sensitivity (high risk)0.490.660.520.630.220.58
Specificity (high risk)0.930.760.880.600.970.81
PPV (high risk)0.340.
NPV (high risk)0.960.970.960.960.980.99
No (%) classified high-risk patients267 (10)672 (27)519 (15)1266 (42)56 (3.1)322 (20)
Mortality in classified high-risk patients; n(%)*91 (34)121 (18)129 (25)133 (11)10 (18)23 (7.3)
  • *Noted mortality rates reflect 30-day mortality in patients with UGIB and in-hospital mortality in patients with LGIB (see the Methods section).

  • ABC, age, blood tests and comorbidities; AUROC, area under receiver operating characteristics curves; LGIB, lower gastrointestinal bleeding; NPV, negative predictive values; PPV, positive predictive values; UGIB, upper gastrointestinal bleeding.