Table 2

Clinical presentation and course after COVID-19 symptoms

Total (N=113)
Symptoms at clinical diagnosis, n(%)
 Fever>37.2°C74 (65.5)
 Cough64 (56.6)
 Dyspnoea30 (26.6)
 Fatigue19 (16.8)
 Confusion14 (12.4)
 Diarrhoea13 (11.5)
 Muscle pain9 (8)
 Thoracic pain5 (4.4)
 Anosmia and dysgeusia4 (3.5)
 Other4 (3.5)
Chest X-ray or thorax CT scan, n(%)
 No12 (10.7)
 Yes, normal39 (34.8)
 Yes, ground-glass opacities58 (51.8%)
 Yes, lobar infiltrates+ground-glass opacities3 (2.7)
Respiratory support, n(%)
 No57 (50.4)
 O2 support28 (24.8)
 Non-invasive ventilation13 (11.5)
 Invasive mechanical ventilation15 (13.3)
AD, n (%)
 No75 (66.4)
 Yes34 (30.1)
 Yes, unrelated to COVID-194 (3.5)
ACLF, n (%)
 No ACLF93 (82.3)
 ACLF grade 1a0 (0)
 ACLF grade 1b2 (1.8)
 ACLF grade 23 (2.7)
 ACLF grade 3a3 (2.7)
 Unrelated to COVID-191 of 3
 ACLF grade 3b12 (10.6)
 Unrelated to COVID-192 of 12
 Median (IQR)60.82 (11–42)
Renal replacement therapy, n (%)9 (8)
Vasoactive drugs (norepinephrine), n (%)16 (14.3)
Myocarditis, n (%)3 (2.7)
Bilirubin (mg/dL): peak value
 Median (IQR)3.2 (1.4–10.1)
INR: peak value
 Median (IQR)1.5 (1.2–2)
Creatinine (mg/dL): peak value
 Median (IQR)1.1 (0.8–1.6)
MELD score: peak value
 Median (IQR)18 (13–25)
COVID-19 therapy, n (%)
 None64 (56.6)
 Low-molecular weight heparin29 (25.7)
 OH-chloroquine16 (14.2
 Azythromicin14 (12.4)
 High-dose steroids7 (6.2)
 Lopinavir/ritonavir5 (4.4)
 Tocilizumab5 (4.4)
 Remdesevir4 (3.5)
 Other2 (1.8)
Outcome, n (%)
 Alive75 (66.4%)
 Dead37 (32.7%)
 Death after LT1 (0.9%)
Time between symptoms and last follow-up (days)
 Median (IQR)55 (27–183)
Cause of death, N (%)
 Respiratory failure10 (27)
 Liver failure+respiratory failure20 (54.1)
 Liver failure without respiratory failure4 (10.8)
 Other causes+respiratory failure3 (8.1)
Patients having received an LT, n (%)26 (23)
Time between symptoms and LT (days), median (IQR)78.5 (44–102)
  • ACLF, acute-on-chronic liver failure; AD, acute decompensation; CLIF-C, Chronic Liver Failure Consortium; LT, liver transplantation; MELD, Model for End-stage Liver Disease.