Table 2

Clinical evidence of how specific fibre types might contribute to physiological effects with putative therapeutic value within the colon

Desired colonic effectsReferences
Normalise stool formNormalise colonic transitMinimise rapid fluctuations in luminal volumePromote gut health
↓ FODMAPs↔ Stool bulk.
↔ Stool water content (↓ when diarrhoea with high FODMAP intake).
↔ Transit time (↑ when diarrhoea with high FODMAP intake).↓ Fluctuations in luminal volume within proximal colon.↓ Total bacteria and Bifidobacterium abundance. 32 96
Oligosaccharides↑ Stool bulk (minor).↔ Transit time.↑ Fluctuations in luminal volume within proximal colon.Promotes ‘healthy’ microbiota. 51 69
Partially hydrolysed guar gum↑ Stool bulk.
↑ Stool water content.
Unknown.Unknown.Promotes ‘healthy’ microbiota. 97 98
Psyllium↑ Stool bulk.
Normalises stool consistency.
↔ Transit time (normalises if rapid or prolonged).Unknown.↓ Hydrogen sulphide production (in vitro)
Mopping effects.
25 61–63
Resistant starch↑ Stool bulk (minor).Unknown.Unknown.Unclear. 99 100
Sterculia↔ Stool bulk.
↔ Stool consistency.
↔ Transit time.Unknown.↓ Hydrogen sulphide production (in vitro)
Mopping effects.
25 101
Wheat bran↑ Stool bulk.
↑ Stool water content.
↓ Transit time (normalises if rapid or prolonged).Unclear (comparative data only).Unclear. 54 55 59 60
Wheat bran+resistant starch↑ Stool bulk.
↑ Stool water content.
↓ Transit time (normalises if rapid or prolonged).Unclear.Delivery of SCFA to distal colon. 42 65
  • FODMAP, fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides and polyols; SCFA, short-chain fatty acid.