Table 2

Demographics and patient characteristics*

G-POEM (n=80)
Sex—no. (%)
Male23 (28.7%)
Female57 (71.3%)
BMI—kg/m2 26.14±5.99
Previous treatment—no. (%)
Prokinetic only24 (30%)
Prokinetic and botulinum toxin injection28 (35%)
Prokinetic and transpyloric stenting16 (20%)
Prokinetic, botulinum toxin injection and transpyloric stenting12 (15%)
Median disease duration (25th–75th percentiles)—months36 (18–61)
Average GCSI Score at baseline2.8±1.1
GCSI nausea/vomiting score at baseline2.5±1.4
GCSI fullness/early satiety score at baseline3.4±1.2
GCSI bloating subscale score at baseline2.7±1.5
Gastric retention percent at 4 hours before the G-POEM39±22
Median time difference between baseline GES and G-POEM (25th–75th percentiles)—months16 (2.5–33.5)
  • *± values are means±SD.

  • BMI, body mass index; GCSI, Gastroparesis Cardinal Symptom Index; GES, gastric emptying scintigraphy; G-POEM, gastric per-oral endoscopic myotomy.