Table 3

Per-polyp analysis: mean number of adenomas per colonoscopy (APC) and univariate Poisson regression analysis by polyp characteristics among study participants (n=660); (for definitions, see text)

Per-polyp analysisCADeControlIncidence rate ratio (95% CI)
 All neoplastic lesions1.26 (1.82)1.04 (1.75)1.21 (1.05 to 1.40)
 Polypoid0.92 (1.54)0.84 (1.69)1.10 (0.94 to 1.29)
 Non-polypoid0.34 (0.92)0.20 (0.63)1.66 (1.23 to 2.25)
 <10 mm1.15 (1.68)0.94 (1.76)1.23 (1.06 to 1.43)
>10 mm0.11 (0.36)0.11 (0.39)1.06 (0.67 to 1.69)
 Proximal colon0.78 (1.24)0.71 (1.34)1.10 (0.92 to 1.32)
 Distal colon0.48 (0.91)0.33 (0.76)1.44 (1.28 to 1.84)
  • *Polypoid lesions, elevated more than 2.5 mm above the mucosal layer: pedunculated (0–1 p), sessile (0–1 s) or mixed (0-1 sp); non-polypoid lesions: superficial slightly elevated (IIa), flat (IIb), superficial depressed (IIc) and excavated (III) types.

  • †Proximal colon, cecum, ascending and transverse; distal colon, descending, sigmoid and rectum.