Table 1

Baseline characteristics of participants without a history of prior SARS-CoV-2 infection, who received uninterrupted biological therapy since recruitment and had an antibody test between 14 and 70 days after a third dose with an mRNA-based SARS-CoV-2 vaccine

VariableLevelVedolizumabInfliximabOverallP value
VaccineBNT162b241.9% (185/442)41.5% (381/918)41.6% (566/1360)0.91
ChAdOx1 nCoV-1958.1% (257/442)58.5% (537/918)58.4% (794/1360)
Age (years)51.7 (37.9–63.4)43.7 (32.3–55.6)46.3 (33.6–58.3)<0.0001
SexFemale50.6% (223/441)46.4% (424/914)47.7% (647/1355)0.12
Male49.2% (217/441)53.4% (488/914)52.1% (706/1355)
Prefer not to sayN<5N<5N<5
EthnicityWhite93.0% (410/441)95.2% (870/914)94.5% (1280/1355)0.32
Asian5.0% (22/441)2.7% (25/914)3.5% (47/1355)
Mixed1.1% (5/441)1.1% (10/914)1.1% (15/1355)
BlackN<50.5% (5/914)0.5% (7/1355)
OtherN<50.4% (4/914)0.4% (6/1355)
DiagnosisCrohn’s disease36.7% (162/442)70.2% (644/918)59.3% (806/1360)<0.0001
UC/IBDU63.3% (280/442)29.8% (274/918)40.7% (554/1360)
Duration of IBD (years)10.0 (5.0–19.0)9.0 (4.0–17.0)9.0 (4.0–18.0)0.0064
Age at IBD diagnosis (years)36.0 (22.7–48.5)29.8 (21.4–41.6)31.2 (21.9–44.1)<0.0001
Immunomodulators at vaccine19.9% (88/442)58.7% (539/918)46.1% (627/1360)<0.0001
5-ASA33.9% (150/442)21.6% (198/918)25.6% (348/1360)<0.0001
Steroids5.7% (25/442)2.4% (22/918)3.5% (47/1360)0.0038
BMI25.8 (23.1–29.7)26.1 (22.9–30.4)25.9 (23.0–30.3)0.88
Heart disease7.3% (32/440)2.9% (26/912)4.3% (58/1352)0.00029
Diabetes8.2% (36/440)4.5% (41/912)5.7% (77/1352)0.0082
Lung disease16.1% (71/440)12.0% (109/912)13.3% (180/1352)0.040
Kidney disease2.3% (10/440)1.2% (11/912)1.6% (21/1352)0.16
Cancer1.1% (5/440)N<50.5% (7/1352)0.040
SmokerYes6.1% (27/440)8.4% (77/912)7.7% (104/1352)0.17
Not currently37.5% (165/440)33.3% (304/912)34.7% (469/1352)
Never56.4% (248/440)58.2% (531/912)57.6% (779/1352)
Exposure to documented cases of COVID-197.0% (31/440)7.5% (68/912)7.3% (99/1352)0.82
Income deprivation score0.090 (0.054–0.140)0.087 (0.053–0.142)0.088 (0.053–0.141)0.83
Active disease (PRO2)20.4% (85/416)23.5% (203/864)22.5% (288/1280)0.23
Time between first two vaccine doses (weeks)10.9 (10.0–11.1)11.0 (10.0–11.1)11.0 (10.0–11.1)0.51
Time between second and third vaccine doses (weeks)27.3 (25.6–28.9)26.8 (24.3–28.4)27.0 (24.7–28.7)0.00064
Time from second dose to serum sample (weeks)32.8 (30.4–35.4)32.1 (29.6–35.1)32.4 (29.9–35.1)0.016
Time from third dose to serum sample (weeks)5.6 (3.9–7.7)5.7 (3.7–7.6)5.7 (3.8–7.6)0.93
  • Values presented are median (IQR) or percentage (numerator/denominator). P values represent the results of a Mann-Whitney U test, Kruskal-Wallis test or Fisher’s exact test.

  • 5-ASA, 5-aminosalicylic acid; BMI, body mass index; IBDU, IBD unclassified; mRNA, messenger RNA; PRO2, IBD disease activity.