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Endoscopic laser treatment of diffuse gastric antral vascular ectasia.
  1. S Potamiano,
  2. C R Carter,
  3. J R Anderson
  1. University Department of Surgery, Royal Infirmary, Glasgow.


    Eight patients (six women and two men) were found to have iron deficiency anaemia due to diffuse gastric antral vascular ectasia. The mean age of the patients was 74.6 years (range 57-83). All required repeated blood transfusions (mean 18 units/year) before treatment. Five patients were classified as having the 'watermelon stomach' (group A) and three the 'honeycomb stomach' (group B), according to criteria described in previous reports. All were treated using neodymium:YAG laser photocoagulation. Significant endoscopic improvement and reduction in blood requirements were noticed in group A in which only one patient required a transfusion after treatment. Results in group B were disappointing. One patient was operated on and the other two still require blood transfusions. Laser treatment was safe in both groups and no major complications were encountered.

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